Monday, December 19, 2011


The world's all-time best seller is the Bible.  The Bible has the distinction of being the most read book in history.  Many find their lives more meaningful because of the message contained within the Bible.  People from all parts of the world read the Bible to find answers to life's questions and problems.  The Bible is more than an answer book, from beginning to end the Bible's message is God.  In the beginning, before all else, there was God.

It is my plan to study the Bible from cover to cover, beginning with Genesis and ending with Revelation.  A study done at my own pace to learn all that I can absorb about the Bible's message.  Following is a list of resources that I will use in my study.  As I progress through my study, any additional resources will be noted.

  • New International Version and The Message Parallel Study Bible
  • Adventuring Through The Bible by Ray C. Stedman
  • The Narrated Bible - New International Version - Narration by F. LaGard Smith
  • Illustrated Bible Dictionary
  • The Book
Each Christian's relationship with God is a journey.  I have been a Christian all my life, having been raised in the Nazarene faith.  I have read the Bible and know verses.  This study is to learn the message of the Bible and to take the steps towards Christian maturity. It takes years for us to grow to adulthood, and it takes a full season for fruit to mature and ripen. The same is true for the fruit of the Spirit. Spiritual growth, like physical growth, takes time.

Prayer and Bible study are the foundations of Christian faith.  My study of the Bible is my journey into Christian maturity.

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